In this tutorial, yous're going to learn how to create e-mail accounts for your domain name. Nosotros're going to take yous to step by step through the whole procedure, giving y'all 2 alternative paths to follow based on what your needs are.

Let's start with the basics:

How to Get an Email Accost on Your Custom Domain Name

You probably have Gmail or some other costless electronic mail account already. While that email is perfectly fine, it might not look very good when used for any sort ofprofessional person purpose.

For example, it's easy to imagine how emailing business concern contact might non be optimal. A much improve alternative is to set a custom email accost nether your own domain name – if you happen to own a domain name already (if non, here's how to register a domain name).

In such a scenario, you lot can, for instance, use something instead, which does have a totally different vibe to it.

Today, we're going to learn how to do exactly that – create electronic mail accounts for your domain name – so that yous become an email address that has your own domain name after the @ symbol.

We're going to bear witness yous two means to do that:

  • Option A). Involves handling everything within your user panel at Bluehost – 1 of the leading web hosting firms on the spider web, famous for its low prices and skillful beginner-friendly approach.
  • Choice B). Involves connecting your domain proper name to Gmail – as in, yeah, you will be interacting with your email through a Gmail-like panel, just you'll exist doing and so in a way that lets y'all utilize your custom domain email instead of a standard

Something we need to admit right up front end is that path (A) is much more beginner-friendly. Nosotros'd requite it 5/v on the "ease of utilise" scale. Path (B) is a moderate 3/v.

Option A) Create Email Accounts for Your Domain Name with Web Hosting Provider

Many pinnacle spider web hosting companies offer free email accounts for their customers. Bluehost, Hostgator, Dreamhost – just to name a few.

In this example, we'll show y'all steps to create electronic mail accounts for your domain name with Bluehost:

Get-go, log in to your Bluehost console and then go into the Advanced tab from the main sidebar.

From there coil downwardly to the Electronic mailsection and click onEmail Accounts.

Bluehost how to add an email account

From at that place click on the 'Create' button.

Bluehost create email account

Here's how to fill that out:

  • Username: Enter whatever yous want to be your email identifier. You lot tin can even make this firstname.lastname if you're short on ideas.
  • Storage space: Depending on the hosting tier yous've bought from Bluehost, y'all will take a different amount of disk space bachelor. If yous're simply going to exist creating 1 e-mail business relationship, you can set up the quota to Unlimited, just a better idea is to keep it at 500 MB, which should be more than than enough to allow you use your e-mail normally.

In one case you lot have the fields filled in, click on Create again.

After literally a second, your e-mail account is created and ready to go. Next step, learning how to utilise your new email:

By clicking on 'Bank check Email', you can start using your email business relationship right away – via Bluehost'southward ain email client.

Bluehost check email

Though, a more likely scenario is that you'd desire to configure this electronic mail on your laptop or iPhone. For that, click on the Connect Devices push button. You'll see some new options popular upward.

Y'all'll see a whole new page with instructions on how to go through the process with your favorite email tool. The nearly interesting part is that Bluehost makes bachelor a range of auto-config options for many of the popular e-mail solutions and apps:

Bluehost email configuration

Further down the folio, there are too manual config details in case you haven't establish your tool on the list.

And that is it! At this point, your new email account is fully operational.

Option B) Create Email Accounts for Your Domain Name with Gmail

Bluehost also supports G Suite (recommended) and Microsoft 365 if you don't want to use their ain gratis portal.

Create email accounts for your domain name with Bluehost

This process involves a couple more steps than Path (a). But information technology certainly tin can be done by a beginner as long equally you follow those steps carefully. Additionally, if you lot want to create email accounts for your domain name with Gmail, it will too involve an extra fee on height of what you're already paying for your domain name.

While standard emails are free, Gmail puts a price tag on letting you create and manage custom electronic mail addresses based on your ain domain name.

That premium package is chosen the G Suite . The bones plan is $5 /user/month, only there'southward a 14-day trial bachelor (credit menu required), and so you tin can test how it all works earlier committing. Though it might audio pricey, K Suite is a for-business product, and then y'all become many more tools apart from custom email.

One time you're ready, go hither and click on i of the Get Started buttons. You'll see a signup form request a couple of basic questions – to empathise your business and needs meliorate.

g suite signup

Forth the way, you will exist asked if you already have a domain that y'all desire to connect with Grand Suite. Select, aye.

g suite do you have a domain

Enter the domain name, so behave out with all the steps that come next. The terminal of which will be creating your main Yard Suite user.

g suite user sign in

When everything is done, you'll make it at your M Suite login screen. After logging in, you'll exist asked for additional details before fully enable your account.

At this stage, yous've successfully signed upward with Thousand Suite. However, you're withal a couple of steps abroad from creating brand new email accounts for your domain proper name.

Here'due south what you lot demand to practice now:

  1. Verify your domain name with One thousand Suite. This is simply to make sure that y'all are indeed the owner of the domain name you've indicated during setup. The wizard will show you lot a couple of options to verify. This stride will vary depending on where you lot have your domain name registered. One thousand Suite'south wizard provides instructions for different registrars.
  2. Create additional email/user accounts if needed. This is where you go to gear up your ain account, eg.
  3. Activate Gmail accounts for each of the accounts you lot've set up in the previous step.

Hither's a general overview of how the to a higher place process all happens step by step.

When you've gone through these steps, you'll have a fully functional email account (or more than one) at your disposal, and you can begin using it via Gmail'south standard user interface.

That being said, if y'all're not 100% crazy nigh Gmail'southward interface, you can still configure your new email accounts in third-party email tools pretty easily (for example, so that y'all can apply that new email on your iPhone or laptop).

You can do that by using either the POP3 or IMAP protocols. 1000 Suite explains the difference pretty clearly. Though, in almost cases, you'll desire to use IMAP when configuring your email on modern devices or in modern software, like on an iPhone or in Microsoft Outlook. Here's how to comport through with that configuration.

All Done!

That's the end of the road! Your new email account is fully operational and integrated with additional devices for convenience.

Practise you lot accept whatever additional questions that were not covered in this article? Leave us a comment beneath.